Monday, August 5, 2013

We're Here

After twenty-four hours of travel, we've arrived in Benin. We're just getting acclimated to the weather, food, surroundings, almost everything! We hope this blog will give you an idea of the differences, and similarities, of a people and a country far from Portland, Oregon.

Here's Donn waking up from a short nap in the Brussels Airport, while we waited for our flight to Cotonou.

Now we can unpack!

This is the entryway to our house. I'm touching a plant just like the one at home I call "Spike".
This is the street in front of our house. The picture doesn't show how bumpy and pot-holed it is. It is used as a connecting street between two paved roads two blocks away. We were told this street is a short-cut, so it is used by many people. It's very busy from 8 am to 5 pm. Our house's entry is located under the trees on the left.
There's more to come. Thanks for joining us on our journey!


  1. Wow... nice digs! Looks like you are easing in. I'm sure it'll feel more real when school starts. Keep up the blog.. What an adventure!

  2. I see a bottle of wine in Aunt Karin's hand...PERFECT!

    1. Alicia, it's actually a bottle of peanuts. They are one of the few cash crops here and bottles of roasted peanuts are common. The person who picked us up from the airport bought some food for us, including the peanuts. Wine is expensive here, so we will be drinking less and appreciating it more!

  3. Looks great! You might have some visitors from the Middle East before your time is up. :)

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  5. Yes! I'm so glad you didn't feel you had to write an essay to get started. Photos are perfect! A little peek into the adventure. Thank you!!! We love you!
